Sunday, June 30, 2019


Reporter to Ms. C.

"Should people be sent to jail over illegal immigration?"

Ms. C. to reporter,
"Absolutely! Whoever is responsible for creating situations where a man feels that his only option for a life for his child is to flee everything he knows and risk his very life to go to the United States, should be jailed."

Instead, we blame the victims. But the bigger problem is we have lost compassion. While some still are capable of empathy (a feeling), fewer are capable of compassion, which requires action.

Millions support attitudes akin to those of Germans in the late 1930s. Blame a group for our problems. Lock the group up. Deport the group.
Many comments on the Yahoo website suggest shooting men, women, and children that are suspected of illegally crossing our border. Many suggest locking up judges that rule against our own strongman leader. Many suggest we need no Congress or Courts that disagree with their leader.

Is this America?

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