Sunday, July 7, 2019

Poor Starbucks

I almost feel sorry for Starbucks, but I don’t.
Attorneys are salivating at the prospects of the lawsuits. Every homeless person, teenager, gang banger, and armed robber knows that they can sit in Starbucks all day and no matter what happens, they will win!

A wino, stinking of urine and picking her nose sits in Starbucks all day long. Someone, we don’t know who, used the ladies’ room and puked on the floor. Maybe explosive diarrhea is also involved. Will Starbucks call the police? Will the responding officer simply issue a summons? If Starbucks asks the woman to leave, will there be protests and lawsuits? Are they picking on her because of her color?

Mutt and Jeff, two local hijackers, sit in Starbucks knowing that it is unlikely police officers will visit and knowing they will not be asked to leave, even though customers complain about these obvious thugs. I wonder how many Starbucks a pair of gunmen can rob in a single day?
Local gangsters need a place to hang-out that is unlikely to make them leave. They need a place where cops will not bother them. Hmm. Where can they go?
Black activists know that the lily white Starbucks company would be a great plae to loiter all day. Oh please, ask us to leave. Please!

Business people know that being in Starbucks is not very safe. Gang-bangers, robbers, militant protesters from minority groups, gays, transgenders, and the homeless have taken over the place. The homeless really love Starbucks. Great locations for begging and cleaning up after a hard day of asking those going into Starbucks for some money. “Come on! If you can spend $5 on a cup of coffee, you can afford to give me more than just a buck!”

I almost feel sorry for Starbucks, but I don’t!