Wednesday, July 18, 2012

“Those that fail to learn from history, are doomed to repeat it.” ―

George Santayana’s often repeated quote is simple to understand. Learn from history of be doomed to repeat it. It is difficult to learn from history without knowledge of history. Sadly, this is where we begin. There is a lack of historical knowledge. Why does it matter?
Suppose you trip over a rock and fall into the mud. Every person walking down that same path trips over the same rock and falls into the same mud. Because nobody remembers the ‘history’ of walking down that path, everyone trips and falls into the mud every single day.

So here we are: walking down a path that was walked before. The same rock and the same mud await.
Let me put it another way.

“For a while, it seemed impossible to lose money on real estate. But then the bubble burst. The financial sector was paralyzed and the economy contracted. State and federal governments struggled to pay their domestic and foreign creditors. Washington was incapable of decisive action. The country seethed with political and social unrest[1].”  The time was 1837. Read it again and think about how this knowledge of history may have influenced those that lost a fortune on real-estate investments at the turn of this century.
Patriotism, respect for the military, love of capitalism, love of democracy are all admirable qualities and perhaps our finest characteristic as a people. Knowledge of history reveals how we allow these sacred beliefs to be misused to manipulate us.

There are many valid viewpoints about taxes, healthcare, and war, providing for the elderly, providing for the disabled, religion and immigration. Although we may engage in heated discussions and arguments, we must never be unwilling to consider another point of view and the possibility of compromise.

On July 4th, we celebrate the compromise known as The Declaration of Independence. For almost a year, the Founding Fathers argued over the wording. Jefferson was frustrated as his original document was edited and changed.
We treasure the compromise of The Constitution of the United States. It took over 168 days to write the Constitution and there were many, many revisions. Each version required compromises.

We’ve been a nation of one people from many lands that argue, disagree and reach compromises. Politics is said to be the art of compromise. Dictatorships and fanciest regimes lack compromise.

[1] America's First Great Depression

Economic Crisis and Political Disorder after the Panic of 1837

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Real Issues

So many e-mails and so many comments on the web focus on name calling and trivia about President Obama. I am a conservative and fear that our failure to focus on the economy and the issue of jobs helps President Obama in his re-election bid.

Naughty photos (not real porn) that are alleged to be the deceased mother of the President are again making the rounds. Since they were not published, the woman may have done this for her husband. Many women do just that and at the end of the day, who cares? If your daughter posed for naughty photos does that me none of her children can ever aspire to the Oval Office?

Of course the birthers are adding their 2-cents worth. If there were proof of this allegation, do you really believe that no rich Republican would have produced conclusive proof? The fact is that we cannot prove it so let's move on to real issues.

So much trash is flying around that I wonder if everyone thinks the the president did so great a job that they can't cite real issues.

Maybe we've just devolved into a soap-opera mind-set and no longer care about jobs, the economy, the bail-out, and the fact that the ultra-rich corporations move jobs to the slave labor countries at the expense of our workers. Maybe we prefer sensationalism over truth and facts.

I have one friend that stopped sending me chain e-mails and said, "I stopped sending them to you because you keep checking the facts and then explain to me that the stories were false." Think about that! My friend does not want to know that the stories she sends to her friends are fake. She just enjoys the gossip or showing she is 'in the know' so much that she forwards idiotic and false emails to her friends and family!

Independents and undecided votes count and they count a lot! It is believed that Mr. Obama received many of these votes because people hated the racist remarks made by conservatives. Since that is a possibility, don't you think we should be very careful and simply state the facts?

If that is not enough, perhaps we should stick to relevant issues because it is the moral and smart thing to do.